We invite speakers from around the world to present their work at MPIP virtually. Our goal is to provide a platform to share inspiring research and foster discussion and collaboration. Since March 2021, external speakers have joined us to present their exciting contributions in the fields of polymer chemistry, materials science, nanotechnology, biomimicry, supramolecular chemistry, and catalysis.

For information on future and past lectures, please see the program below. If you have any questions or suggestions, please contact Lucas Silva (AK Landfester).

<aside> 🔗 Links for the meetings will be announced via email.


Upcoming Seminars

May 24, 2023 - 10AM (seminar room 1.003) - hosted by Lucas Silva

Prof. Michael Schulz

Virginia Tech

Exploring the connections between chelating polymer structure and rare-earth element binding thermodynamics


June 6, 2023 - 10AM (virtual meeting) - hosted by Julian Heuer